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For distance contracts and contractual proposals, i.e. negotiated away from business premises, the consumer has the right to withdraw without penalty and without specifying the reason, within a period of ten working days.

The right of withdrawal may only be exercised in respect of the product purchased in its entirety; it is not possible to exercise withdrawal only in respect of part of the product purchased. The purchased product must be returned intact and in its original packaging, complete in all its parts, under penalty of forfeiture of the consumer's right of withdrawal. The affixing of labels or adhesive tape directly on the original product packaging must be avoided in all cases.

The risks and shipping costs for the replacement of the goods shall be borne by the customer. 

The reimbursement of the amount paid in advance will be promptly remitted by bank transfer and upon verification of the returned goods. 

The Right of Withdrawal is reserved exclusively for natural persons (consumers), therefore, it cannot be exercised by legal persons and natural persons who are professional users acting for purposes related to their professional activity.

The consumer may not exercise the right of withdrawal, pursuant to Article 64 et seq. of the Consumer Code, in the case of

- supply of goods or services whose price is linked to fluctuations in financial market rates that the trader is unable to control

- supply of goods made to measure or clearly personalised or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or alter rapidly

- the supply of sealed audiovisual products or computer software that have been unsealed by the consumer.


Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and breach of the purchase contracts stipulated via web through the site, via telephone, via e-mail, via ordinary mail, is subject to the Italian jurisdiction; the present general conditions refer, for what is not provided for, to the provisions of the legislative decree no. 206/2005.

For any civil dispute between the parties regarding this contract, the court of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the Italian State, shall have jurisdiction.

For non-consumers or consumers not residing/not domiciled in the territory of the Italian State, it is agreed that any dispute, even in derogation of the territorial jurisdiction, shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the place where the company has its headquarters

Contracts entered into at a distance with are governed by Italian law and, for anything not expressly provided for, the relevant laws shall apply.

As an alternative to the aforementioned attempt at conciliation, the Customer also has the option of accessing the European Online Dispute Resolution platform (the European ODR Platform) for the resolution of any dispute The European ODR Platform is developed and managed by the European Commission, in compliance with Directive 2013/11/EU and EU Regulation no. 524/2013, in order to facilitate the independent, impartial, transparent, effective, rapid and fair out-of-court resolution of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales or service contracts between a consumer residing in the EU and a trader established in the EU through the intervention of a participating ADR (alternative dispute resolution) entity, which can be selected from a list available there. For more information on the European ODR Platform or to initiate, through it, an alternative dispute resolution procedure relating to this contract, access the following link:

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